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Chris: FITD Workshop – Directing in the Round

Really insightful and enjoyable workshop to attend. Anyone who can go, DO IT! Found out about the history of the Royal Exchange Building and the Theatre Company which some people may not find relevant, but I think it’s so important to know about how a company have grown and their routes. We explored a number of different exercises, some I’ve done before, some I haven’t. They all helped with not just understand about how to create a show in the round, but in any theatre space full stop. If you are an actor, it made me more aware of what some directors want out of actors, and what they don’t want, ie- actors shouldn’t  ACT, they should be relaxed and show their personalities, not trying to impress.

A really good quote was used, ‘Acting is – 75% Personality and 25% Acting’. I think this is something which actors need to bear in mind, because it happens so often that actors try make it the other way round and that’s not the case. Actors TRY TOO HARD to be seen and be noticed.

(FITD Blog)