The Lives and Loves of Vera Dymond has been galloping apace since my last entry. We have a wonderful, intuitive cast that have got stuck in to the challenging areas of the performance. I’m having a blast scouring the shops for props and costume. It feels great to be working with a production team that trust my choices and are open to any ideas I may have. Jayne and Chris have been showing me the ropes of stage management. It’s an awful lot of work but they are so supportive and it’s a hell of a lot of fun!
Since beginning the process of stage managing Vera Dymond, I’ve become even more grateful to Sharon Stoneham and the detailed workshop she gave to us all those weeks ago. She explained the value of the stage managers file and everything that is of the utmost value in the rehearsal room.
This programme is definitely teaching me to have strict organisation skills. I thought I was pretty good to begin with but I’ve already learnt handfuls of extra tools that need to be juggled altogether.
My role with Three Women has also been gathering momentum. We’ve been introducing rehearsal shots over social media and letting our followers see where we have gathered our inspiration by way of Pinterest. It’s been great fun cataloguing the teams’ progress, I hope to make my way over to Liverpool soon to pay them a visit and get stuck into the action!
So, the learning curve continues but I’m still loving every minute of it!